Dr. Wes Connally is originally from Floresville, Texas. His previous experience in his field of study includes working at Sterling Wentworth as a technical writer and an international financial planner. He was an instructor at Salt Lake Community College before coming to CWC.
Connally also worked with top nuclear scientists in the United States on an article “The Transmutation of Nuclear Waste,” for Scientific America in 2004. In 2008, he published “Jungian Psychoanalysis in Fairytales” and “Literature in the Composition Classroom.”
During his time at CWC, he has enjoyed performing in plays such as “Beauty and the Beast,” as the beast and “A Christmas Carol,” as Bob Cratchit.
Connally has been the department coordinator for English/Math since 2008 and has developed two courses for the University of Wyoming’s international studies program. He implemented some of CWC’s first online courses.
Connally has many hobbies, many of which crossover into college life. His hobbies include miniature painting, drawing, music composition, role-playing games, collectible card games, developing card/board games, playing soccer and basketball, and 3D art.
- Associate of Arts in Music, Central Wyoming College
- Bachelor of Science in Political Science, Sam Houston State University
- Bachelor of Arts in English, Sam Houston State University
- Master of Arts in English, Sam Houston State University
- Doctorate of Arts in English, Idaho State University
- Faculty President 1997
- State of Wyoming Faculty President 1998
- Chair of Wyoming English Articulation
- Head of New Student Orientation 2008-15
- Adviser to student clubs 2012-15
- Sigma Tau Gamma Social Fraternity 1985
- Pi Sigma Alpha: Political Science Honor Society 1988
- Sigma Tau Delta: English Honor Society 1988
- Winner CWC Creativity Contest: pencil drawing “The Natural Man” 1999
- Winner miniature painting contest: large category 2017
- Winner miniature painting contest: small category 2017
- Top 5 card game of the year “Harem” Games Magazine 2012
- Published “Steampunk Fairytales” board game 2019
- Published “Blood Harvest” board game 2015