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Trailbuilding Professional


The Trailbuilding Professional certification integrates field-based training using hand tools and heavy machinery with first responder training, geospatial information science and technology (GIST), natural resource management, and business practices. The experiential learning format allows the student to develop practical skills for a career designing and building natural surface trail systems ranging from remote Wilderness to modern bike parks.

Our college professors are dedicated mountain bike professionals who provide students with both classroom and hands-on training in mountain bike skill development and trail design and construction.

Writing Level I (WR1)/ORAL 3 credits
MATH/APPM*3 credits
UNST 1 credits

Total Credit Hours: 30

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Green and yellow badge outline that says Forest Service Department of Agriculture in it. In the middle is a yellow U pine tree and S.      A mountain scene with the text U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management  A graphic that inlucdes city buildings and a mountain with a sun and pine trees. Text says American Trails, more trails, better trails since 1988



Darran Wells

Darran has been teaching sustainable trail construction and maintenance since 2011. He’s worked on trail projects ranging from remote wilderness hiking trails to Redbull Rampage and worked with private pro builders as well as USFS and BLM volunteer trail crews. He led the design, construction, and maintenance of the 10 mile ASI model trail lab.

Ron Murray
Guest Lecturer

Ron is the owner and operator of Trail Philosophy LLC which has designed, built, and consulted on trail projects ranging from wilderness trails to bike parks. Ron leads the mechanized construction classes and is an excavator wizard.

Authorized permit holder of the US Forest Service and an equal opportunity service provider.