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American Indian Drum Circle at an event at CWC's Alpine Science Institute

Traditional Teachings

Article courtesy of WyoFileThe broken red cliffs, tall cottonwood stands and apple orchards of Central Wyoming College’s Alpine Science Institute on the banks of the Popo Agie River in Fremont County

Picture of Culinary student Stephanie Roche preparing food

Farm to Fork to CWC classroom

JACKSON, Wyo. — Autumn is a time of harvest and bounty; plus, the cold weather makes food taste even better. Join Slow Food in the Tetons and Central Wyoming College for a celebration of

Pictures of actors performing in The Fantasticks play

‘The Fantasticks’ in Review

Courtesy of The Riverton Ranger. “The Fantasticks” is a 1960 musical with music by Harvey Schmidt and book and lyrics by Tom Jones. It tells an allegorical story, loosely based on the 1894 play “The Romancers” (“Les Romanesques”)

Alumni Spotlight – Tiffany Bishop

Tiffany Bishop is a native of Shoshoni, Wyoming and is currently a Project Specialist at the University of Wyoming (UW) School of Energy Resources (SER). After earning an AS in

Central Wyoming College publishes Viewbook

Riverton, WY – Central Wyoming College has published the 2022-23 Viewbook to highlight academics, financial information, scholarship opportunities, campus life, sports, and regional offerings. Central Wyoming College’s Viewbook is available in