Amy Hatch, a graduate of the intensive entrepreneurial training program called the “Start Up Institute,” launched her new online store just in time for the holiday shopping season. connects people to independent outdoor brands making innovative, high-performing and wildly cool gear.

In 2013, Hatch graduated from the inaugural Start Up Institute class, a program that is a unique partnership between CWC and Silicon Couloir in Jackson. She subsequently won Honorable Mention at Silicon Couloir’s “Pitch Day,” where carefully selected, locally grown companies “pitch” their business idea to investors.

“Just as every building needs a strong foundation, so does every business,” Hatch said. “That’s what the Start Up Institute gave me.”

Many of the brands features are USA made and take steps to minimize environmental impacts.  All are founded by people who saw a need and created a product to meet it.

“We offer people an alternative to the homogenized, compromised gear served up by big box brands that would rather pinch pennies than make the best gear,” Hatch said.

The new online store will offer deals for Black Friday, Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday.

Hatch is just one of the success stories to come out of CWC and Silicon Couloir’s Start Up Institute.  The “boot camp” is a 10-week program, instructed by faculty member Sandy Hessler, a passionate marketer, social entrepreneur and teacher.  The Institute is designed to provide participants with the tools and skills they need to successfully launch their business idea.  Following the 10 weeks of instruction by Hessler, program coordinator Liza Millet, Wharton School of Business MBA, works with the students to pair them with local consultants providing expertise in various areas such as financial, legal, marketing, and management advice.

“The 10 hours of consulting time is instrumental in helping participants work through specific issues critical to their businesses,” Millet said.

Hatch echoes Millet. “One of the best ways the Start Up Institute supports entrepreneurs like myself is by facilitating access to the right people and expertise,” she said.