Classes starting January 9, 2013.  If you are interested please call TODAY.
Central Wyoming College is the recipient of a $1.2 million grant to provide vocational and life skills to 18-21 year-old adults who had been juvenile offenders.
The U.S. Department of Labor grant allows CWC to launch the “Second Wind Project,” a program providing work and life skills with a goal of reducing the chance of recidivism.
Dean for Workforce and Community Education (WACE) Lynne McAuliffe, the author of the grant proposal, said Second Wind is a comprehensive program in that it will offer educational programs in high-demand occupations as well as life skills in human relations, financial literacy and workplace expectations. It will also provide supportive services to help participants identify their barriers to success.
Her department has selected career paths for the juvenile offenders so they can get jobs that will pay self-sufficient wages. Targeted occupations include college and industry credentials in three programs including Foundations of the Energy Industry, Facilities Maintenance Technology and Customer Service Specialist.
The participants are not limited to these programs and the curriculum can be customized to meet the unique needs of the individual.
“We will provide professional case management services to assist students in a family-centered approach to identifying and removing obstacles to their success,” she said, which includes referrals and funding for counseling, substance abuse, and legal issues, transportation, child care and housing. The program also includes a service learning component to allow students the opportunity to make a positive impact in the community.
The six-to-eight month program is “intensive,” McAuliffe said, noting that each student who completes the program will be tracked.