In this iconic musical, we delve into the Biblical story of Joseph, his father Jacob, his eleven brothers, and the legendary coat of many colors. With captivating lyrics by Tim Rice and a musical score by the legendary Andrew Lloyd Webber, this production promises a delightful journey through a kaleidoscope of musical styles.
From the foot-tapping rhythms of Country/Western music to the electrifying beats of Elvis-themed rock and roll, “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat” features singable show tunes that will have you humming along. Led by the enchanting Narrator, the story unfolds entirely through song, following Joseph’s adventures as he navigates trials and triumphs.
Thurs, Fri, Sat: July 5, 6, 11, 12, 13; 7 p.m.
Sun: July 7, 14; 2 p.m.
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