Rustler 400 Gives Chance to Win $10,000

Rustler 400 Gives Chance to Win $10,000

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The Central Wyoming College Athletic Booster Club and the CWC Foundation are giving people a chance to win $10,000. Not only will the Rustler 400 reverse raffle give someone the chance to win $10,000, there will additional chances to win money. The winners will be announced March 17 throughout the evening in the CWC gym starting at 6:30pm. Tickets are $100 each and may be purchased through a CWC Athletic Booster Club member or the Foundation. Tickets will also be sold at Riverton and Lander Chamber of Commerce’s.

Only 400 tickets will be sold with multiple chances to win and 20 people will walk away with $100. In addition the 100, 200, 300 and 399 tickets drawn will win more than $100.

Proceeds of the ticket sales will go to the student athletic scholarship funds.

CWC has the lowest athletic scholarship fund in the Wyoming community college district. This will help us build those funds which will allow student athletes to achieve their goals of getting a degree and help recruit future athletes ”

There will be food and beverages available for purchase throughout the night.

“Come celebrate Saint Patty’s day with us,” Ruthenbeck said. “Enjoy food, fun and exciting basketball and leave with some money.”

For more information contact the Foundation office at 307-855-2035.