Students at CATS museum
Student Ambassadors presenting check to CATS

The Central Wyoming College student ambassadors gave back to the community in a big way this spring. Seventeen student ambassadors helped raise money for the Central Wyoming Children’s Center for Arts, Technology and Science. On May 9 the group presented CATS board members with a check for $1,781.37.

Each year the student ambassadors pick a cause or organization that they would like to raise money for through fundraising efforts. This year, the student ambassadors made a unanimous vote to raise the funds for the CATS museum.

“When I pitched the idea for CATS, I thought it wouldn’t take,” said Ryan Childers, student ambassador. “CATS was a startup business that I knew needed some money and they stood for a great cause. I was surprised when we collectively decided it was the best option to raise funds for and I’m glad we did. They give so much to this community and I hope we helped broaden their impact through our actions.”

Once the ambassadors committed to the CATS project, they strategically planned their fundraising efforts for the semester. Not only did the group want to raise money for the organization, but they also wanted to help promote CATS to the community, said Maygen Cassity, student ambassador professor and advisor.

The CATS museum is basically the only place for kids to go in our community, it's sort of their own little recreational center. It's really hard for CATS to get funding sometimes. I'm so glad we had the opportunity to help them. Seeing the faces of the board members when we showed them what we raised was a definite reminder why the service and project that student ambassadors do is important, and worth every second. ”

The group selected five major fundraisers to carry out through the semester. In order for each fundraiser to be successful it required a chairman, a committee to help plan and the 17 ambassadors to implement and complete the fundraiser. The selected fundraisers included bake sales, babysitting, flamingo’ing campus offices, hosting a co-ed volleyball tournament and raining change, where local businesses kept donation cans.

“Leadership and service has always been the priority for our student ambassadors, but their initiative and drive is what makes them a truly remarkable group of students,” Cassity said. “The funds that our ambassadors were able to raise for CATS can be attributed to their team work, dedication and determination. They really wanted to give back to the community and I am incredibly proud of our students’ desire and willingness to put in the time and effort to raise money for an organization that is such an asset to our community.”

In addition to their service, which includes a minimum of 30 hours each semester and was a collective of 510 hours between the 17 ambassadors, the group went above and beyond the requirement, spending more than 1,000 hours giving back to Fremont County this spring. The fundraising efforts taught the ambassadors a great deal about leadership, the importance of teamwork and helped to develop a commitment to community, Cassity said.

“What I enjoyed most about fundraising for CATS this semester was being able to bond and make lifelong friendships with other student ambassadors,” said Dietrik Becker, student ambassador. “I found it very rewarding when we presented the check to the CATS board members because it reminded me of what we are all about as student ambassadors. We want to give back to the community that has been so supportive throughout the year and that continues to support us.”

Next year a new group of student ambassadors will choose a new cause to raise funds for. The CWC’s student ambassadors program is a competitive scholarship that is awarded to students who have a passion for leadership and service, and whom exhibit the qualities and traits that exemplify what CWC stands for. Students who are interested in the ambassador scholarship can apply online by March 1. Scholarships are awarded every fall, Cassity said.