It feels good to be talking about my company. My self-knowledge of Upstart Road has grown exponentially in the last few weeks, especially after several 2 a.m. scrambles this past week preparing for this presentation.
As Sandy puts it, this is the first time class members put on their CEO shoes. I’m wearing mine after the gap in my presentation passes.
I still sweat for days before I can look at the feedback handed to me from audience members. After the difficult lead-in to the final presentation, I don’t want feedback, either good or bad.
I just need a well-deserved break.
Everything has led up to this. That freedom is something I’ve needed and craved as a busy guy with five kids. To have the freedom to build a business and schedule my own life is a dream I’ve chased for some time.
Now as the boss, I can take that break to recharge before I charge into my business.