Film camp open to high school juniors, seniors and graduates

Film camp open to high school juniors, seniors and graduates

Central Wyoming College’s professors Mike Myers and Jeremy Nielsen are teaming up once again to host a summer camp for any high school juniors, seniors and 2016 graduates who want to learn more about acting and film-making. The camp will be June 19-25.

Myers who is the theatre professor will teach students acting and directing in collaboration with Nielsen, who is the film professor. Nielsen will give students the experience in cinematography including sound recording and editing film.

Participants will work with cutting edge equipment including a RED cinema camera and sound equipment to produce their own short film.

On the first day the participants form teams and by the end of the week each team will have written a screenplay, found a cast, locations, costumes, props, shot a film, edited it and mixed a sound track. On the last day, the films are screened for an audience. It is hands-on learning at its best. ”

Registration is $175 and includes housing and meals. This camp is limited to 16 students.

For more information please contact Mike Myers at 307-855-2217 or contact Jeremy Nielsen at 307-855-2212 or