Central Wyoming College – Spring Choral Showcase

Central Wyoming College – Spring Choral Showcase

The Central Wyoming College / Community Bell Choir - h/t Randy Tucker

Article Courtesy of County 10

The Central Wyoming College Music Department, under the direction of Dr. Jeremy Cochran, put on their Spring Choral Showcase Tuesday evening to a good crowd at the Robert Peck Theater on the CWC campus.

Dr. Jeremy Cochran, Central Wyoming College music professor – h/t Randy Tucker
Ringers with the CWC Handbell Community Choir – h/t Randy Tucker

The Showcase featured four songs by the Central Wyoming College / Community Handbell Choir and six numbers by the Collegiate / Master Chorale.

Ringers with the CWC Handbell Community Choir – h/t Randy Tucker

The handbell choir played the popular sea chanty “The Wellerman” along with “Ashokan Farewell,”

made famous by Ken Burn’s documentary “Civil War,” and two more arrangements, “Pavane” and “Let it Be” by the Beatles.

Accompanist Veronika Schultz worked with the choir – h/t Randy Tucker

The choir sang songs associated with water, beginning with Deep River, Three Hungarian Folk Songs, Shenandoah,

The River in Judea, The Water is Wide, and the finale, Down by the Riverside.

Cellist Aubrey Schmerge accompanied the choir on The Water is Wide – h/t Randy Tucker

Friday the Collegiate Band and the Times a Wastin’ Jazz Band perform at 7 p.m.