President Tyndall talking to Community Members

Riverton Chamber of Commerce members, along with other community luminaries, visited the newest addition to the Meat Sciences Program at Central Wyoming College at this past Thursday’s Business After Hours. From comments made, the visit was informational and enjoyable. 

The “Blue” building, located at 1004 College View Dr. was the venue that college President, Dr. Brad Tyndall opened to the public for an opportunity to see what the future of the beef industry will look like to students who decide to attend CWC. It’s a certificate program with an option to continue on to a two-year degree at CWC that could then lead to a 4-year college and an undergraduate degree. Along with the tour, there was a light dinner buffet of pulled beef sliders, meatballs and various other appetizers compliments of the CWC Food Court, with a complement of wines and domestic beers. 

State Representative Pepper Ottman of House District 34 was in attendance and took the tour of the portable beef processing units and noted “From the kill to the cooking, everything is different from what I remember.”

CWC Caps

CWC Trucker Caps were a giveaway item at the Open House. CWC Photo

From beginning to end, the equipment “train” on display is state of the art. The “kill” chute is a apparatus that can be moved to a desired location along with the rest of the mobile processing lab. The cow simply moves into position and when dispatched, is suspended from a crane that lifts the carcass to the initial inspection and processing trailer where the hide and internals are removed with a series of implements attached to the trailer. Once cleaned and inspected by the USDA, The carcass is transferred to the cooling truck for a 14 day aging process. Once the carcass is aged correctly, it will be moved to another trailer to be processed into steaks and roasts and such, then wrapped for distribution. Throughout the process, critical attention is given to handling and cleanliness. Each trailer is meticulously cleaned and prepped for service and inspected  for record. The ability to connect and work within the complex of trailers allows for less movement and potential for damaged meat. The safety of the crew is also accounted for and because of the equipment, avoids potential lifting injuries. CWC President Dr. Brad Tyndall listed all the benefits that will come from this venture into the college’s Meat Sciences discipline during a short presentation to the crowd. The connection to the Farm to Table movement, he said, is seamless and local businesses would be able to take advantage of the processed beef, eliminating the need for middle men who would take advantage of the price increases due to handling. “The demand for workers in this industry is dire and properly trained people bring the highest levels of compensation” said Amanda Winchester, Meat Sciences Instructor for CWC. “With the ability for the students to upgrade their certificate program to a 2-year degree that could lead to a university undergraduate degree is a great opportunity for any student. It offers choices.” Whatever the need in agriculture, the attendees agreed that CWC is leading the community with innovation and opportunity for advancement for all.
CWC Display Initials

CWC initials on display. CWC Photo

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