graphic with virus and words that state COVID UPDATE

Central Wyoming College announced on May 25, that the mask mandate is lifted inside CWC facilities. This is in accordance with the governor’s announcement on May 21 which eliminated restrictions on indoor events, mask mandates and physical distancing requirements for colleges. CWC will also eliminate physical distancing requirements.

The CWC Covid Response Team decided to lift the mandate immediately through the 2021 summer term. After the summer term, we will reevaluate the COVID situation and make adjustments if needed. ”

CWC will follow CDC guidelines and any county and tribal requirements as follows:

  • There will be no mask requirements at CWC facilities. The CDC recommends masks for those who are not vaccinated. While in a CWC facility that is located in an area where there are mask mandates, employees will wear masks (i.e. CWC Wind River at the Frank B. Wise Building, CWC Jackson)
  • There are no social distancing requirements. The CDC recommends social distancing for those who are not vaccinated. While in a CWC facility that is located in an area where there are social distancing mandates, employees will social distance.

The CWC physical plant will continue its rigorous cleaning and disinfecting schedule. The announcement encouraged all employees to continue to wipe down public surfaces and remain vigilant with regard to washing their hands and staying at home if they felt sick.

The college’s Covid Response Team will continue to monitor the campus for signs of virus activity as well as keeping track of campus personal protective equipment. If there are substantive changes in the metrics or changes in health orders, the campus will be notified immediately.