Located amidst the vibrant landscape of Jackson Hole, CWC Start Up Institute provides a rigorous 10-week “boot-camp” course for entrepreneurs designed to provide students with proven tools, frameworks and skills that winning companies utilize to launch successful business ideas.

This is where Alex Freeburg saw his golden opportunity to pursue a dream!

Freeburg came up with the idea to develop a website to guide people through the process of filling out divorce documents supported by the expert advice of an attorney to verify all legal documents were completed correctly.His idea came from a family member who was going through a divorce and didn’t have the finances to seek legal assistance.

“Her options were a) hire an expensive attorney and go through litigation to generate the divorce documents, or b) find some forms on the Internet, fill them out and hope for the best,” Freeburg said. “There are a lot of people in her situation; I saw it as an opportunity, a need that wasn’t being served.”

Freeburg said the Start Up Institute helped him think through every aspect of his business in a structured way. It provided him with the tools to launch his business and follow his dreams of becoming a successful entrepreneur.

The Start Up Institute is a way to test a business plan among a network of like-minded people and provides access to top subject matter specialists. Freeburg said he is excited to have his website up and running for his business with a unique name, Uncouple Law. Uncouple Law is ideal for people who need the divorce documents without a legal battle, meaning they agree with their spouse about how to divide everything but make sure the separation is done legally, Freeburg said.

Visit Uncouple Law for more information!
More information on CWC’s Start-Up Institute available here.