Central Wyoming College officially dedicates it new Health and Science Center Friday, September 20.

The ribbon-cutting ceremony takes place at the south entrance to the new building at noon, which is followed by a lunch and guided tours of the 52,342 square foot facility. The public is encouraged to come to campus and see the new space for CWC’s nationally recognized nursing program as well as the new science labs.

In November 2010, Fremont County voters approved an $11.5 million CWC bond proposal. With that voter affirmation, the Wyoming legislature in 2011 gave an additional $6.55 million in matching funds, allowing the enlargement of labs and classrooms to meet current and future needs.

The building includes one auditorium-style classroom, two other classrooms, two computer labs, a nursing simulation lab, three nursing and allied health skills labs, and six science labs.

During the tours, Massachusetts artist Rufus Butler Seder is in the main lobby to explain the mural he created from glass tiles. Seder’s proposal to create the “glass frieze” was selected from a national call for artists by a Wyoming Art in Public Buildings committee. The mural of “life tiles” creates optically animated images that represent the courses being taught in the Health and Science Center.

Seder also presents a workshop in room 100 of the Health and Science Center on Thursday, Sept. 19 at 1 p.m.

Lunch following the dedication is served in a big tent northwest of the Health and Science Center and music will be provided by The Teka Brock Band and The Libby Creek Originals. Tours every 20 minutes are provided until 6 p.m.

Photo by Alanna Weahkee Rios