Home / News / 2022-2023 News / Next Friday, Eat Fremont Beef – CWC Food Court in Riverton
Next Friday, Eat Fremont Beef – CWC Food Court in Riverton
At Central Wyoming College we know that you want to eat local beef. In order to do that, you need an introduction to Fremont County’s hard-working ranchers and cowboys. We’ve got your back. On “Fremont Fridays,” the Rusty’s Corner food court on the College’s campus in Riverton will serve beef born and raised here in the land of the 10.
The inaugural Fremont Friday on March 31 will feature Lost Wells Cattle Company’s grass-fed beef. Here’s how you can come to eat Fremont beef with us:
The Lost Wells Cattle Company beef is raised by brothers Bobby and Brendan Thoman near Riverton. As 4th generation ranchers, they are the first to raise cattle entirely on a grass-fed diet. The Lost Wells cattle are raised on pasture and grow at a natural pace that provides tender, flavorful beef.
“We are continually reminded that processed foods are not the answer to healthy living,” says Bobby Thoman. “Grass-fed and pasture-raised animals have been shown to contain the proper vitamins, minerals, and fats to support a healthy lifestyle.” The Thoman brothers handle their cattle with low-stress techniques, either on horseback or on foot. They believe that cattle on grass pastures is naturally, “the way God intended it.”
Lost Wells Cattle Co. beef can be purchased year-round at Riverton’s Fremont Local Market 524 E. Main Street and at the Wind River Merc 223 E. Main Street. You can also find the Thomans in the summer at the Wednesday Riverton Farmers Market. When you dine at Riverton’s The Depot and Trailhead restaurants, ask which menu items contain Lost Wells beef. You can also order directly from the Thomans on their website: www.lostwellscattle.com
2660 Peck Avenue
Riverton, WY 82501
(307) 855-2000
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120 Enterprise Blvd.
Lander, WY 82520
(307) 332-3394
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240 S. Glenwood St #124
P.O. Box 4795
Jackson, WY 83001
(307) 733-7425
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302 W. Ramshorn
P.O. Box 175
Dubois, WY 82513
(307) 455-2625
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