Welding Student at CWC

Central Wyoming College has been selected by the John P. Ellbogen Foundation board of directors to receive $100,000 to support adult learners with the newly created Ellbogen Opportunity Scholarship: All Students Successful.

The Ellbogen Foundation has committed $500,000 to the scholarship. All community colleges in the state were asked to apply for an amount no larger than $100,000.

“We recognize and value the critical partnerships that are necessary for this scholarship to be successful,” noted Becca Steinhoff, executive director of the Ellbogen Foundation.

According to the foundation, the funding is being provided to community colleges in the state to “ … increase the number of new adults and returning adult students in Wyoming who attend a Wyoming community college, to increase the number of adults in Wyoming with a valuable post-secondary credential, and to advance the self-sufficiency, well-being and economic and civic contributions of the Wyoming workforce.”

The funding is eligible only for students who enroll in courses starting in the fall of 2021 and meet the following qualifications: are 24 years of age or older; have demonstrated Wyoming residency for not less than three years immediately preceding the application, and have completed and filed a free application for federal student aid for the academic year for which they are applying for a scholarship and have an unmet financial need. Preference will also be given to those who have not already earned an associate or higher degree.

Scholarships are limited to no more than $1500 per student per semester and may be awarded for up to a maximum of two academic years.

The John P. Ellbogen Foundation is a private, not-for-profit family foundation that was funded from the life earnings of John P. “Jack” Ellbogen through his estate in 2001. The vision and mission of the foundation are a testament to Jack’s ethos and guide grant awards to entities within the state that work diligently to make the quality of life better for Wyoming citizens.