Rustler Spotlight: Trenton Smith

Rustler Spotlight: Trenton Smith

photo of CWC student Trenton Smith

Trenton Smith is a freshman from Wright, Wyoming. Smith liked the location of CWC and that it was cost efficient. Smith said he enjoys being close to the mountains, the […]

Rustler Spotlight: Anissa Wallowingbull

photo of CWC student Anissa Wallowingbull

Anissa Wallowingbull is from Riverton. Wallowingbull is currently a dental assistant and decided to pursue her education in dental hygiene. She is currently working on her pre-requisites and after she […]

CWC equine students look forward to CHA certification

Students on their horses in the equine center

A certification through the Certified Horsemanship Association is the goal for the teaching riding class at Central Wyoming College. The CHA certification dates for students are tentatively scheduled for Monday, April […]